Yarmouth Daycare
Our Mission
Yarmouth Daycare is a small, non-profit childcare organization. Our mission is to provide a safe, nurturing, and enriching environment for children ages infant to 5 years by forming a cooperative partnership between committed, caring staff and involved, loving parents.
Our Philosophy
YDC is committed to providing your children with a warm, safe, nurturing, structured and fun-filled environment. Early childhood is a time of incredible development and we strive to promote an atmosphere that allows our children to prosper. By maintaining a low child-to-caregiver ratio, we provide our children with the opportunity to grow at their own pace. We celebrate the uniqueness of every child. We encourage development through play, as play is the key tool in young children’s development. By providing planned and free play, children have the chance to engage with their classmates and surroundings at YDC in numerous ways. We strive to offer a positive atmosphere for your children, their families, and our caregivers.
It Takes a Village
YDC offers parents the unique opportunity to share in the everyday decision-making and running of the facility. We hope that parents will seek opportunities to volunteer their time, energy and, skills to improve and maintain the quality of care enjoyed at YDC, and to meet prospective families to share in their experience.
At YDC, we rely on the involvement of committed caregivers and parents. Parents are expected to actively participate as members of the board of directors. Parents and caregivers meet regularly to converse, set policy and supervise all aspects of YDC, including finances, recruitment, fundraising, etc. We believe the partnership between caregivers and parents; school and home benefit our children and their development.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yarmouth Daycare is open Monday- Friday, 7 am - 5 pm.
We ask that you send your child with meals and snacks.
The current rate for each child is $86.54/ day.
See Us in Action
When I drop my son off at YDC, he is always so happy to see his friends and staff. As a parent, there is no better feeling than having complete confidence in your child’s caregivers. We love being a part of the YDC community- it’s an amazing group of people!
-Maggie E.
Yarmouth Daycare has exceeded all of our expectations and is so much more than a regular daycare center. The caregivers are true professionals who genuinely care for our kids, and the co-op aspect creates a thriving community.
-Taylor H.
YDC is a daycare experience that's different from any we have seen elsewhere. At YDC, caretakers, parents, and children play an active role in creating an environment that prizes enrichment, emotional health, and togetherness. One of the best things about YDC is that it taps the diverse talents/passions of caretakers and parents and uses them to influence the direction of the daycare. The result is a tight-knit, rewarding community where all involved care for and respect each other.
-Leif K.
Request an Enrollment Form
Enter your email below, and we'll follow up with an application. Applications include a non-refundable $50 fee.
Daily Schedule
7:00 to 8:30 a.m. Arrival: Free Play, Sensory Bins, Games8:30 to 9:00 a.m. Morning Snack9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Preschool, Circle Time, Enrichment, Stations11:00 to 11:45 a.m. Outside Play (weather permitting)11:50 to 12:00 p.m. Circle Time with Songs12:00 to 12:30 p.m Lunch12:30 to 3:00 p.m. Stories & Naptime3:00 to 3:30 p.m. Wake Up & Free Play3:30 to 4:00 p.m. Afternoon Snack4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Outside Play (weather permitting)
Yarmouth Daycare Preschool program is filled with investigation, exploration, and discovery, helping children to refine and expand their skills and knowledge. Through seasonal, thematic-based lessons, purposefully-designed learning environments, and age-appropriate activities, our teachers ensure preschoolers have engaging, appropriate, and meaningful learning experiences.
We offer the "Learning without Tears" program for 3, 4, and 5-year-olds. This is the only time in the day when the ages are separated.
- Thanksgiving
- Day after Thanksgiving
- St. Bart’s Church Fair prep (a Friday in December)
- Christmas Eve (full day)
- Christmas-New Year's break (full week between holidays)
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- Presidents’ Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Indigenous Peoples Day